+36 23 880 730

Daikin HCE

Energy recovery ventilation

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Energy recovery ventilation

  • Thinnest High Efficiency Enthalpy Heat Exchanger in the market (J-series)
  • Energy saving ventilation using indoor heating, cooling and moisture recovery
  • Free cooling possible when outdoor temperature is below indoor temperature (eg. during nighttime)
  • Prevent energy losses from over-ventilation while improving indoor air quality with optional CO 2 sensor (J-series)
  • Possibility to change ESP via wired remote control allows optimisation of the supply air volume (J – series)
  • Can be used as stand alone or integrated in the Sky Air or VRV system
  • Wide range of units: air flow rate from 150 up to 2,000 m³/h
  • Shorter installation time thanks to easy adjustment of nominal air flow rate, so less need for dampers compared with traditional installation
  • No drain piping needed
  • Can operate in over- and under pressure
  • Total solution for fresh air with Daikin supply of both VAM / VKM and electrical heaters
  • VAM-J8 series are connectable to EKVDX DX coil for air processing
  • Possibility of CO 2 concentration when combining VAM-J8 with optional BRYMA CO 2 sensor and Madoka remote controller (with or without EKVDX)

100 000 Ft -tól

Az ár az ÁFÁ-t TARTALMAZZA, bruttó fogyasztói ár.


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